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7 Ways to Boost Your Recruiting Strategy

When it comes to running a successful business, implementing a recruiting strategy that helps you hire the right candidates and creating a strong company culture are two of the most critical factors attributed to long-term success.   By Andrea Burkholder It’s not a secret, building a strong team can be difficult.  A low unemployment rate…

Merchant Services 101: Credit Card Processing For Businesses

It’s the question Businesses ask themselves repeatedly.  What are merchant Services, why does it cost so much and why do I need it?  by Linda Heuer Photo by TheDigitalWay on Pixabay Merchant services is effectively the industry for accepting credit and debit cards and can be difficult to effectively navigate, especially when you first enter…

Buying Your First Business

Secrets To Buying Your First Business

By Linda Heuer Photo by Rhett Wesley on Unsplash Have I told you the one about the guy who bought a Convenience Store as his first business and didn’t check to see if the Coolers or Air Conditioning worked before he signed the paperwork?  Seriously, I’m here to tell you it happened, we have seen this and much…

How To Make Your Team Meetings Sizzle

Photo by Martin Wilner on Unsplash Have you ever held or survived a team meeting that should have been an email?  Were you or your company leadership trying to create a more productive environment?  Were you or your leadership trying to create a team atmosphere?  Maybe there was just a lack of knowledge on how to run an…

How To Safeguard Your Company Culture

By Linda Heuer and Andea Burkholder Photo by Christian Sterk on Unsplash I know it was cancelled, but I did like watching the reality show Undercover Boss.  On every show, without fail, the owner or boss of the company would have no idea what was really going on.  It wasn’t that these executives weren’t showing up for work…


How to Supercharge Your Self-Confidence in 10 Easy Steps

By Andrea Burkholder Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash Your Greatest Asset — Confidence “Only those who believe in themselves have enough optimism to see the best in those around them. Self-confidence breeds confidence in others.” – John Maxwell Having confidence in yourself is the cornerstone of long-term success.  It requires you to be resilient, to be fearless…

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