Our Core Values
Our Core Values
Empower individuals and be a force for good in the world.
Empowering others is one of the most important acts of kindness you can do for your fellow man. Every nod, every smile, every interaction can completely change the course of someone else's day. Be a teacher, not a teller. Teach others to be thinkers; empower them to succeed. True leaders share their knowledge and wisdom with others. They invest time to show others they believe in them. They work to see the potential, find out what skills they lack and then help them reach new heights by equipping them with what they need. We can either exert our influence in a positive or negative way. Let's be positive, lets lead from within. Empowering others builds self-esteem, a sense of being important, of being valuable and worthwhile. Maya Angelou, one of the most influential figures of our time once said, "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
Deliver WOW's thru Amazing service. Every client. Every time. No exceptions. No excuses.
People first, profits will follow. Clients don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. A great company is built one client at a time. If you AMAZE every client every chance you get, then they are satisfied and so are you. Every client means 100% of our clients are satisfied all the time, not some of the time. Amaze them EVERY TIME! No exceptions. No excuses!
Generate fun and be a little quirky.
Laugh out loud and encourage everyone to have some fun. Well-placed humor stimulates creativity. The fact is, the right brain works best when freed up, especially during times of play. It raises energy, encourages innovation and undoubtedly improves productivity. What's the purpose of making money without having fun? As they said in the movie La La Land, "A bit of madness is key! It gives us new colors to see. Who knows where it will lead us?"
Be adventurous, creative and open minded.
Live in a culture of YES. This doesn't mean that every idea will get a high five. It means that we will be open minded and will respond to all curiosity with a mindset of YES first. Saying NO is always easier, but the status quo is not who we are. We live in a land of growth, unlimited possibilities, innovation, positive impacts, results and creativity. Creativity always makes life infinitely more interesting and fulfilling. It is a way of living life that embraces originality and makes unique connections between seemingly incompatible ideas. Creativity is about living life as a journey into seeing and communicating the extra-ordinariness of the simplest acts. Creative people find ways around obstacles because they see them as opportunities, not roadblocks. Creativity has the ability to expand our perception and with expanded perceptions, comes and open mind and new ways of problem solving.
Learn, educate, innovate, execute.
Work to maintain a student mentality. Having a student mentality is not something that you can master, this is because there is ALWAYS something new to learn. There are always going to be different ways to do things, to reach or teach others. By keeping an open mind to learning new things, you are going to be more successful than the person who is closed to learning. A student mentality, that openness to learning can fuel innovation. Ideas are essential to who we are. We encourage them. We love them. But ideas don't mean much without execution. It takes both ideas AND execution to fire on all cylinders. Great ideas may get you half way down the field; outstanding execution gets you the touchdown!
The inches we need are all around us.
One of our favorite motivational scenes is from the Movie, Any Given Sunday. Here's our take on it...If a business does one great thing better than their competitors, their competition can simply equal their chance of succeeding by mimicking that one thing. But, if a business does hundreds of little things better than anyone else, they become almost impossible to compete with. They create a situation where the margin for replication is so small, they become unbeatable. There are hundreds of ways a company or individual can make a positive impact to the business. They can be little things like increasing the number of doors an agent knocks on daily, improving the close ratio on a door swing, or improving your retention on new recruits. We call those hundreds of little things “inches” and by counting the “inches” it will set you miles apart from your competition. Look for the “inches” all around you.
Our Blog
7 Ways to Boost Your Recruiting Strategy
When it comes to running a successful business, implementing a recruiting strategy that helps you hire the right candidates and creating a strong company culture are two of the most critical factors attributed to long-term success. By Andrea Burkholder It’s not a secret, building a strong team can be difficult. A low unemployment rate…
Merchant Services 101: Credit Card Processing For Businesses
It’s the question Businesses ask themselves repeatedly. What are merchant Services, why does it cost so much and why do I need it? by Linda Heuer Photo by TheDigitalWay on Pixabay Merchant services is effectively the industry for accepting credit and debit cards and can be difficult to effectively navigate, especially when you first enter…
Excellent Advice For Achieving Your New Years Resolution
With every New Year Resolution comes new opportunities. New chances to take a new lease on life, to focus on you, your business, your family, or whatever is most important to you. The excitement of a new beginning stems from my childhood and the excitement the strike of midnight brought with it. One year gone,…
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